Unique Comfortable Utilities
We want also to say that we are blessed to have such a wonderful team of energized people that wants to do the best work possible using the best tools and having fun at the same time.
For months now and throughout the world, the COVID-19 virus has been significantly increasing the need for Social spacing and social solidarity between humans, So MC company has responded wisely to this pandemic. Since the well-being of our employees, clients, families and communities is our top priority, we have provided great features for our customers in returns.

Steps we have taken
We’ve transitioned our technical office team to work from home with the right tools to be fully operational and still give you the best experience. However, our offices are still operational to meet our clients, if willing. We have applied all the precautions recommended by WHO to keep our employees and our clients safe.
We are strict in applying Safety and Health procedures in construction sites. Also, we’ve provided site views for the clients using online surveillance cameras.
We use online tools such as BIM.Cloud, Skype, iCloud, Zoom, and Autodesk 360 to improve communication between our employees and our clients.